Circular approach in fishing gear making and discarded net management in ports (SEARCULAR)

The ITS seeks to provide an integrated solution for reducing the amount of marine litter and microplastic from the most relevant European fishery contributors (i.e. demersal trawlers, demersal seiners, tropical tuna purse seiners). It includes the development of 3 different technological prototypes for ropes and fishing nets, as well as a port-based solution model for recovery and recycling of equipment.

zero plastic certification FOR THEhoreca sector (PLASTIC FREE BALEARICS)

The Plastic Free Balearics program is a certification initiative aimed at reducing single-use plastic waste in the hospitality sector throughout the Balearic Islands. It encourages and recognizes businesses (such as restaurants, bars, and hotels) that replace single-use plastic products with environmentally friendly alternatives, referred by the members as “honest alternatives”.


Wasser 3.0 PE-X® REMOVE is an innovative technology that effectively and sustainably removes microplastics from water. This approach utilizes a combination of physical agglomeration and water-induced chemical fixation, known as the Clump & Skim principle.