Wastewater and Solid Waste Treatment

plastics pollution reduction and others


Solution Scope: Water Treatment Plant Systems

Target Contaminant: Organic Wastes

Solution Provider or Contact Point: Aqualia  

Project: Deep Purple – Recover energy & valuable resources from urban waste streams in photobiorefineries with the help of purple phototrophic bacteria

ITS Description: The aim of the Project DEEP PURPLE is to recover valuable resources from mixed urban waste streams, namely wastewater, sewage sludge and the organic fraction of the municipal solid waste. The ITS uses waste to produce something useful, reduces actual waste that would be produced otherwise. It can replace by 20% the fertilizers use in Europe. It triggers a different behaviour for the farmers and consumers. The farmers are willing to pay for the new fertilizers as they are less expensive than the standards.

Correspondence with BMM OIR (sectoral priorities, R&I activities, gaps, needs): The ITS is strongly identified in the areas of activity of Minimisation of pollutants at source.  The solution responds to challenges for the WWTP sector. It responds to the circular economy principles. The technology is not fully developed, while at the same time several legislative constraints exist.

Image source: Deep Purple project website –  https://deep-purple.eu/promomaterial/

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