The Mediterranean Flagship Event: “Turn ideas into action The Mediterranean Lighthouse as a pilot to upscale the challenges of the Decade from local to global”.

The Mediterranean Flagship Event: “Turn ideas into action. The Mediterranean Lighthouse as a pilot to upscale the challenges of the Decade from local to global” The Mediterranean Flagship Event “Turn ideas into action. The Mediterranean Lighthouse as a pilot to upscale the challenges of the Decade from local to global” will be held within the …

BlueMissionMed KOM

Kick off meeting, 26-27 January 2022, Venice, Italy The Kick off meeting of the BlueMissionMed project, part of the EU Mission “Restore Our Ocean and Waters by 2030” was held in Venice on 26 and 27 January. BlueMissionMed is coordinated by the Cnr and aims at new solutions to prevent and eliminate the pollution of …