BlueMissionMed will Inspire, Inform, Assess, Mobilise, Connect and Empower all the actors that can Take a Role in preventing and eliminating pollution in the Mediterranean sea and waters.
The BlueMissionMed Coordination and Support Action (CSA) will design, structure and support a well-functioning basin scale innovation ecosystem, ensuring fast progress towards the achievement of Mission “Restore Our Oceans and Waters by 2030” objectives and important impact on the society.
The project builds on, connect and structure existing initiatives and activities to disseminate and upscale solutions and mobilise relevant actors with the specific aim of addressing the Objective 2 of the Mission, namely “prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters”.
BlueMissionMed will engage stakeholders from Policy, Business, Research&Innovation and Civil Society, as well as the so-called Ecosystem Enablers to synergize the actions of the Mission Lighthouse in the Mediterranean basin.
Specifically, the project will support the development and deployment of transformative innovative solutions in all forms: technological, social, business, governance by:

boosting a well-functioning basin scale innovation ecosystem attractive to investors and businesses

facilitating coherence, alignment and monitoring of EU, national and local policies, initiatives and actions ongoing the Mediterranenan basin

providing technical services, governance and business models to support and guarantee a sustainable socio-economic development of the Mediterranenan basin

ensuring engagement of all stakeholders, including the society at large, thanks to a robust awareness raising and citizen science approach
These expected outcomes are achieved through six integrated Work Packages.

BlueMissionMed involves a multi-actor, trans-sectorial and multidisciplinary consortium, consisting of 6 R&I public institutions, 5 NGOs, 3 Mediterranean industrial associations and 2 SMEs from 7 countries of the Mediterranean.