“Mediterranean Blue Islands” special prize, to be awarded to 2 islands of the Med Sea!
BlueMissionMed Coordination and Support Action join forces with “Celebrate Islands 2023” international contest and aims at recognising, promoting and supporting the best initiatives which actively contribute to achieving the EU Mission’s objectives in the Mediterranean basin.
Two special “Mediterranean Blue Islands” prizes will be assigned and then delivered in the context of the High-Level Event Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and waters by 2030’– The Mediterranean lighthouse in action – organised by the European Commission in Palermo on May 30-31, 2023.
All details HERE.
This award represents an opportunity to witness the political commitments of the Mediterranean countries towards the EU Mission and to present the actions and initiatives that may be scaled up and replicated in other sea basins.
Do you represent an island or group of islands from the Mediterranean basin? Participate to the “Mediterranean Blue Islands”
special prize!
How to participate?
· Apply to the call “Celebrate Islands 2023” international contest by 3rd May 2023
· Be one of the signatories of the Mission Charter
The “Mediterranean Blue Islands” special prize will be conferred on 31 May in Palermo, in the context of the high-level event of the EU Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030’ organised by the European Commission in Palermo on 30-31 May 2023 (more info here).
Don’t miss the chance to
- have access to a pilot of services to implement and upscale your action (support the capitalization of technology and business models; support access to finance; networking; good practice exchange).
- present your action and be awarded during the High-Level Event Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and waters by 2030’- The Mediterranean lighthouse in action – organised by the European Commission in Palermo on May 30-31, 2023.
- join key Mediterranean stakeholders in the context of the 1st Med Stakeholder Forum in Palermo