The EU Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and waters’ mediterranean lighthouse gets into action in Palermo
The European Commission in close cooperation with the Italian government, the Sicily Region, and the University of Palermo, with the support of the BlueMissionMed Co-ordination and Support Action, organises the high-level event “The Mediterranean lighthouse in action”, to shape the future for an Healthy, Pollution free Mediterranean basin.
The event will be hosted in Palazzo dei Normanni starting from 30 May afternoon and it will welcome stakeholders from the Mediterranean basin, international and sea basin, intergovernmental organisations as well as representatives from regions, cities, ports, islands, shipping, industries, academia, education, researchers, investors, NGOs, citizens and youth.
The event will be an opportunity to witness the political commitments of the Mediterranean countries towards the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters and to present the actions and initiatives which contribute to the Mission objectives that may be scaled up and replicated in other sea basins.
The programme of the conference will include demonstrations of EU projects contributing to the Mission’s objectives, side visits to marine protected areas as well as a Blue Islands Day ceremony, with exchanges of best practices, awards to islands championing the Mission and with strong participation from youth and blue schools.

PROGRAM in the context of the high-level event “The Mediterranean lighthouse in action”
29 May
In preparation for the high-level event “The Mediterranean lighthouse in action”, organized by the European Commission, BlueMissionMed will organise the Common Ground Camp, a multi-stakeholders participative activity to co-create the Mediterranean Sea basin Lighthouse Terms of Reference (ToR), and establish the Mediterranean Sea basin Lighthouse community. This workshop will take place on 29 May afternoon, involving project’s partners and invited advisors.
30 May
On 30 May morning the side event “1st BlueMissionMed Stakeholder forum” (hybrid format) will set the ground by facilitating participatory thematic discussions, involving representatives of regions and islands, ports and shipping, fisheries and aquaculture, citizens and youth, industries, cities, research and education. The debate will be stimulated by the “Inspire and Inform” session, during which selected stakeholders will share their inspirational case studies of innovative transformative solutions for the Mediterranean hydrosphere depollution and restoration. The outcomes of the 1st BlueMissionMed Stakeholder forum will be presented at the opening of the high-level event “The Mediterranean lighthouse in action”, organized by the European Commission in the afternoon.

31 May
BlueMissionMed will also organise the “Mediterranean
Blue Islands” special prize, aiming at recognising, promoting and supporting the best initiatives which actively contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” in their local context and establishing the first community of islands for this Mission.
On 31 May, during the high-level event, 2 islands of the Mediterranean Sea participating to the “Celebrate Islands 2023” international contest and who adhered to the Mission Charter will be awarded.