EventseVENTS 21/05/2024 Tunisian HUB Tunisian BlueMissionMed National HUB in action! 17/05/2024 Maltese HUB Maltese BlueMissionMed National HUB in action! 16/04/2024 Join us in the Our Ocean 2024 side event! 12/04/2024 The Mediterranean Flagship Event: “Turn ideas into action The Mediterranean Lighthouse as a pilot to upscale the challenges of the Decade from local to global”. 20/12/2023 Spanish HUB Launch of the Spanish BlueMissionMed HUB 19/12/2023 Greek HUB Launch of the Greek BlueMissionMed HUB 15/12/2023 Maltese HUB Launch of the Maltese BlueMissionMed HUB 12/12/2023 Türkiye HUB Launch of the Türkiye BlueMissionMed HUB 05/12/2023 Tunisian HUB Launch of the Tunisian BlueMissionMed HUB 30/11/2023 France HUB Launch of the French BlueMissionMed HUB Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4