Marine Litter Monitoring, Removal and Circular Economy: solutions for the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters

Community of Actors back 2 back with the BlueMissionMed Italian HUB

Community of Actors back 2 back with the BlueMissionMed Italian HUB 30 May 2024 

CNR-ISMAR, Arsenale, Tesa 104 Castello 2737/F, 30122 • Venice (Italy) 

May 30 has been quite a busy day for the BlueMissionMed Italian Hub in occasion of the Workshop “Marine Litter Monitoring, Removal and Circular Economy: solutions for the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters”. The event took place at the Institute of Marine Sciences, National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR) headquarter in Venice and online, between 10.00 and 16.00 CEST, with a programme of 10 presentations.

The workshop was co-organized by BlueMissionMed CSA and the H2020 MAELSTROM Project to showcase and demonstrate selected transformative innovative solutions and to engage participants in a multistakeholder mobilisation, to share feedback and input and to facilitate the further solutions’ adoption and implementation with the aim of achieving the EU Mission Restore Our Ocean objectives.

The event started with the interventions of Massimiliano de Martin, environmental counsellor of the City of Venice, followed by Francesco Falcieri (CNR-ISMAR), Fantina Madricardo MAELSTROM coordinator, Fabio Fava BlueMissionMed coordinator, and Davide Poletto of Venice Lagoon Plastic Free, partner of the H2020 MAELSTROM project.

The participants
Massimiliano de Martin and Fantina Madricardo
Fantina Madricardo and Davide Poletto

The programme of the day as been divided into 4 topics. 

During the part 1 on Marine Litter Monitoring Solutions’ Demonstration, Barbara Glemser, from SubCtech GmbH, presented SuNaMIPS microplastic and nanoplastic removal technology,  developed during H2020 NAUTILOS, Bart De Schutter presented Marine Litter Monitoring using a team of autonomous robots in SeaClear2.0 and Davide Poletto focused his intervention on the app, tested  by Venice Lagoon Plastic Free and developed by Infordata, on Digital and technical evolution of the beach litter monitoring as an asset for citizen science engagement, from the MAELSTROM to REMEDIES projects. 

In the course of part 2 on Removal solutions’ demonstration, Johan Beentjes, from FishFlow Innovations, explained The Archimedean Drum Screen and Flocculation System for the removal of micro-nano-plastics, developed during H2020 InNoPlastics, Mariola Rodríguez, from TECNALIA, presented the Seabed Cleaning Platform, settled during H2020 MAELSTROM and Nicola Rubini, from Mold S.r.l., explained the technology of River Cleaning, to be implemented in the HEU INSPIRE and REMEDIES projects. 

Barbara Glemser
Johan Beentjes
Mariola Rodríguez
Nicola Rubini

In part 3 on Circular Economy of Marine Litter & Integrated Solutions, Gian Claudio Faussone, from Sintol S.r.l., focused his intervention on Low Temperature pyrolysis prototype, developed during the marGnet project and further improved within the Life DREAM Project, Annelies Oeyen explained the Integrated solutions in use in the Antwerp-Bruges Port, Katrin Schuhen presented the Elimination of Microplastic by the Wasser 3.0 PE-X® agglomeration process, developed within the HEU UPSTREAM and Giorgio Betteto, together with Carla de Carolis and Giulia Fredi, focused their intervention on Recycling of hard-to recycle plastics and organic material,  developed by GEES Recycling Srl during H2020 MAELSTROM. 

Part 4, instead, was devoted to the Multi-stakeholder mobilization & mutual learning. The attendees participated in an interactive session by using the Mentimeter platform, answering to a series of questions that have been conceived to collect comments and inputs on each solution presented. This will allow to understand the possible barriers or resistances for their implementation, the opportunities or facilitators for their success and the needs for the solutions’ application. 

Gian Claudio Faussone
Katrin Schuhen
Giorgio Betteto
Giulia Fredi

The event was partner of the European Green Week and was organized within the Venice International Boat Show 2024.