BlueMissionMed Compass Workshop Highlights
On 13th November 2023 the BlueMissionMed project held a Compass Workshop gathering representatives from the project governing bodies and Mediterranean Innovation Action projects under the Ocean Mission. The workshop served to unveil the draft version of the BlueMissionMed
Operational Implementation Roadmap and gather their first insights and feedbacks.
The workshop included an open discussion on how well the BMM OIR aligns with other Mediterranean initiatives. Representatives from the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), WestMED Assistance Mechanism, UNEP M AP and BlueMed Group of Senior Officials shared insights. Alessandra Sensi from UfM highlighted the overall alignment with BMM OIR, emphasizing the importance of supporting links between EU and non EU countries. Celia Murcia of WestMED outlined potential collaboration areas, emphasizing the need for education and training on sustainable practices. Fabio Fava in representation of BlueMed emphasized the alignment of actions with their implementation plan and the importance of coordinating efforts to tackle marine pollution. The session closed with interactive Q&A sessions, revealing potential synergies and support for the BMM OIR from vario us stakeholders. Patrizia Busolini, representing the UNEP MAP, presented three main components for cooperation. These included an ecosystem approach, the soon to be updated Mediterranean Sustainable Development Strategy, and Marine Spatial Planning, all aimed at achieving a common goal of reducing marine pollution.
The participants converged in pointing out the need to integrate more clear evidence and data into the current version of the document, partly relying on the collaboration with the Technical Advisory Board members (the European Commission Joint Research Center and the European Environmental Agency among others). The final version of this document that will be issued in June 2024 should include a better prioritization among identified actions for hydrosphere depollution as well as adding percentages of the reduction of pollution associated with the actions proposed.