BlueMissionMed engaged hundreds of citizens at European Researchers’ Night 2024!
Great success of the European Researcher’s Night!
ERN is the most important European appointment for science to meet with the citizens, involving 25 countries, attracting 1.5 million visitors across Europe and beyond each year. The BlueMissionMed project ensured that the Ocean and waters literacy and protection was in the centre of the activities, engaging kids, teenagers, families and teachers.
In Italy, BlueMissionMed partner FVA New Media Research led the activities in collaboration with the LEAF project (27 and 28 September 2024) in Frascati, Rome. Four young enthusiast university students played a central role in animating the two nights. They conducted 10 rounds of the ESCAPE4Future game, that educates by playing key facts about ocean and waters as well as environmental protection. The experience was tailored for two different types of players: a simplified version of the game for the younger ones, and a more challenging gameplay for the teen-agers and young adults, involving more than 200 youngsters.
They also engaged the participants in an interactive quiz about ocean and water curiosities, myths and facts. The stand also hosted an exhibition blending art and science, where participants learned key concepts of ocean and waters literacy, explored BlueMissionMed’s work, and gained valuable insights into Mission Ocean objectives. The exhibition offered a fresh perspective on how science can be applied to environmental challenges, captivating audiences of all ages.
Finally, two boards showcased an exclusive preview of the incoming “Our Blue Treasure” BlueMissionMed book for kids, captivating great interest, especially from the little ones.
BlueMissionMed activities in the context of the European Researchers’ Night demonstrates the importance of making complex scientific research accessible to a wider audience, successfully bringing science closer to the public, showing how research affects our daily lives and increasing the interest of young people in scientific and research careers.