
plastic pollution reduction and others

Elimination and Remediation
Solution Scope: Monitoring & Tracking Technologies (satellite)
Target Contaminant: Plastics & Other Litter (ADLFG)
Solution Provider or Contact Point: Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS)
Project: FISH-X – Providing a European Fisheries Dataspace through a Consultative Approach; CLS E-GEAR PROGRAMME
ITS Description: The ITS is an innovative tracking set of technologies for the identification and follow-up of fishing gears, whose continuous geo satellite position monitoring allows for recuperation and elimination from the environment in case of accidental loss at sea. The E-Gear system effectively combines a series of drifter devices providing location for satellite detection research and validation (at sea or on the coast). The different available models have been tested for reaching ideal form factor for onboard operations, an electronic tag fully approved and operational, and improved energy efficiency. At the same time, the technology has also provided interesting potential for monitoring & control of marine litter, particularly for understanding the movement of macro plastic litter in rivers, coastal zones and open oceans (e.g. beaching and remobilization mechanisms through weather conditions) as well as litter accumulation areas. Different designs of prototypes have been developed for testing (e.g. wooden models, low-cost, long-autonomy) and real-life implementations has happened in at least five testing sites at global scale and with different types of fisheries and fishermen.
Correspondence with BMM OIR (sectoral priorities, R&I activities, gaps, needs): This ITS responds to an R&I gap for both elimination & remediation and monitoring & control, namely through the development of remote sensing and satellite-based tech. It also responds to a technological challenge listed in the BMM OIR for the fisheries sector. This includes the tackling of plastics & microplastics contamination via the impact of fishing gear, particularly through the development of tag & tracks of nets and gear, with emphasis on find and recover.
Source of pictures:
Further information:;;;; Connecting Fishing Gear by Satellites to Limit Plastic Pollution – CLS