Wastewater and Solid Waste Treatment

plastic pollution reduction and others

Elimination and Remediation
Solution Scope: Litter collection systems from the sea / rivers (Mechanical)
Target Contaminant: Plastics and Other Litter
Solution Provider or Contact Point: MOLD S.R.L
Project: NAUTILOS ; the River Cleaning Project – New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean obServation
ITS Description:The River Cleaning System offers an innovative mechanical solution to clean rivers and oceans from plastic pollution. It aims to tackle the problem of plastic pollution in rivers, which is a major contributor to ocean pollution through a smart, energy-free barrier that is positioned diagonally across a river or canal to intercept floating waste and plastic debris. This barrier allows for navigability and has no harmful impact on the river’s flora and fauna, thus holding low environmental impact. The barriers are equipped with floating modules that filter and collect debris, directing them to a collection point on the riverbank for recycling in collaboration with local communities. Furthermore, it relies on the passive energy of the water to power themselves, with the kinetic energy of spinning modules capable of generating electricity as well. It thus operates 24/7 using the river’s current, without the need for an external energy source. The River Cleaning system is modular, scalable, and adaptable to any watercourse, making it suitable for various river sizes and conditions. Tests have shown that the system can stop up to 85% of floating waste in rivers. This technology has also received the Friend of the Sea sustainability certification for its efforts in combating plastic pollution and preserving the aquatic environment.
Correspondence with BMM OIR (sectoral priorities, R&I activities, gaps, needs): This ITS responds to a R&I focus area of activity in elimination & remediation of plastics pollution, namely by addressing the development of new technologies for solid retention systems. It also responds to the challenge listed in the BMM OIR for the wastewater and solid waste management sectors in responding to the need for new collection technologies for litter.