Preventive Measures for Averting the Discarding of Litter in the Marine Environment from the Aquaculture Industry






plastic pollution reduction AND OTHERS

Prevention Minimization Elimination and Remediation Monitor and control

Solution Scope: Prevention, Minimization, Elimination and Remediation, Monitor and control

Target Contaminant: Marine litter

Solution Provider or Contact Point: Aqualit Consortium  

Project: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) (2014/2020)

ITS Description: A sustainable toolbox of innovative ideas and methodologies to prevent marine littering from aquaculture activities; have better monitoring (and quantification) schemes in place;  and remove and recycle litter from the aquaculture facilities both before litter enters the sea and for litter already existing at sea. Toolkit includes Solution and measures (Knowledge, Legislation, responsibility, Support); Port Facilities (information on port facilities accommodate marine litter); Funding opportunities; Action Plans and Policy Recommendations; a Marine Litter inventory 400 solutions and measures are included

Correspondence with BMM OIR (sectoral priorities, R&I activities, gaps, needs): The ITS responds to an R&I need for development of new micro-plastic filtration systems and technologies. It provides a solution to the Technological/Scientific Challenge of the BMM OIR for the wastewater and solid waste management sector in cities (and beyond), including further struggle to minimize micropollutants and microplastics releases in the aquatic environment. More specifically, it provides new micro-fluidic technologies for micropollutants removal and destruction from the water environment.

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