NewsnEWS 17/12/2024 Italian HUB BlueMissionMed launches the “Blue Rivers and Lakes” Award! 16/12/2024 Greek HUB 3rd Meeting of the Greek Hub for the Reduction and Mitigation of Marine Pollution 25/11/2024 Discover the Society4Med Award booklet of best practices! 14/11/2024 Italian HUB BlueMissionMed fostered collaborations among sister projects in the Med Lighthouse 11/11/2024 Italian HUB Great success of BlueMissionMed project at ECOMONDO 2024! 11/11/2024 Italian HUB Ecomondo 2024: BlueMissionMed’s Italian Hub Drives Stakeholder Engagement and Innovation Transfer 06/11/2024 Spanish HUB BlueMissionMed National Events: HUBs4Innovation – Blue Solutions for Port to face Plastic Pollution 21/10/2024 BlueMissionMed announces the Winners of the “Society4Med” Award in Support of the EU Mission to Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 17/10/2024 Italian HUB BlueMissionMed Italian Hub drives innovation with two upcoming national events 16/10/2024 BlueMissionMed engaged hundreds of citizens at European Researchers’ Night 2024! Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5