NewsnEWS 24/03/2025 Spanish HUB Join the BlueMissionMed Spanish Hub On-line Policy Workshop “Solutions to face Plastic Pollution”! 24/02/2025 France HUB BMM HUBS4Innovation in France: “Stimulating Innovation, Business Models, and Societal Engagement in France: Challenges and Solutions for Water and Ocean Pollution” 31/01/2025 Italian HUB Open Call: Take part in the BlueMissionMed Support Programme! (deadline extended!) 22/01/2025 Türkiye HUB Great success at the BlueMissionMed HUBs4Innovation event in Türkiye! 22/01/2025 Help the European Commission in shaping the European Oceans Pact! 16/01/2025 Türkiye HUB BlueMissionMed HUBs4Innovation: Support and empower the Mediterranean Sea basin innovation ecosystem in Türkiye Workshop 17/12/2024 Italian HUB BlueMissionMed launches the “Blue Rivers and Lakes” Award! 16/12/2024 Greek HUB 3rd Meeting of the Greek Hub for the Reduction and Mitigation of Marine Pollution 25/11/2024 Discover the Society4Med Award booklet of best practices! 14/11/2024 Italian HUB BlueMissionMed fostered collaborations among sister projects in the Med Lighthouse Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4