Wastewater and Solid Waste Treatment

chemical pollution reduction

Solution Scope: Water Treatment Plant Systems
Target Contaminant: Chemicals
Solution Provider or Contact Point: Eden-Tech
Project: iMERMAID – Innovative solutions for Mediterranean Ecosystem Remediation via Monitoring and decontamination from Chemical Pollution
ITS Description: The ITS consists of an innovative technological device, the AVKO core microfluidic filtration system, dedicated to removing water micropollutants. Much like the previously described ASCANDRA tech (ITS n. 5), AKVO technology is designed to facilitate the remediation of polluted waters by replicating the systemic fluidic networks found in nature, such as the vascular systems of humans and plants. The AKVO system consists of stacked discs with microchannels, organized into smart energy microfluidic grids. These discs are engraved with networks of microchannels that facilitate the transport and processing of water at low energy. The system is compact, with a size comparable to a suitcase, making it suitable for decentralized use. The AKVO system works by using the microchannels to filter and process water. The microfluidic design creates a microscale-confined environment that accelerates reactions for target capture, reduces thermal and optical losses, and enables compacity and miniaturization. This design allows the system to operate at a high flow rate (200 m3/pile) and can be easily deployed in various industries. AKVO technology is highly energy-efficient, consuming at least 10 times less energy than other conventional technologies currently in use. This is achieved through the use of microfluidic channels that minimize energy losses and optimize the flow of water. The system’s compact size also reduces the overall energy requirements. AKVO technology has various applications in water treatment, including tertiary treatments for water production, water reuse, and sanitation prior to discharge. Performance use statistics and other advanced information indicating high TRL are available on the solution providers’ website.
Correspondence with BMM OIR (sectoral priorities, R&I activities, gaps, needs): The ITS responds to a clear R&I gap in developing new removal technologies of persisting toxic substances in wastewater (e.g. micro-fluidic techs). It fully responds to the BMM OIR strategy in tackling technological challenges relative to the Wastewater and Solid Waste Management sector, particularly for minimizing micropollutants releases to the aquatic environment via new micro-fluidic technologies.