
Wastewater and Solid Waste Treatment

plastic pollution reduction and others


Solution Scope: Citizen Involvement (litter collection)

Target Contaminant: Plastics & Other marine litter (Fishing gear)

Solution Provider or Contact Point: Aegean Rebreath

ITS Description: The ITS involves the deployment of marine litter collection stations across Greece to facilitate the collection and recycling of waste from the sea and coastal areas. These stations serve as central hubs for gathering marine litter and channelling it towards recycling and upcycling processes. The stations are established at harbours, where mainly fishing communities operate and are equipped with bins and relevant signage that helps citizens and fishermen place collected litter by the sea and coastal zones. Everyone can contribute by not only collecting marine litter, but also ALDFG components such as fishing nets. Municipal authorities, in cooperation with Aegean Rebreath, are responsible for monitoring waste and distributing it to recycling or upcycling plants. In this context, the NGO participates in the Blue Cycle program, where fishing gear is collected via their stations and through their other underwater and coastal operations. As a follow-up to the implementation of the solution, the network of stations acquired the patronage of the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy, while Aegean Rebreath, together with the cooperating 19 municipalities and 2 port funds has created the first “Blue Municipalities” Network, which will focus on the protection of the marine environment.

Correspondence with BMM OIR (sectoral priorities, R&I activities, gaps, needs): The ITS is strongly identified in the Elimination/Remediation R&I Focus area of activity for its capacity to generate new kinds of plastics & marine litter collection schemes. In alignment with the BMM OIR, the solution responds to challenges for the Fisheries sector. It responds to the policy challenge of accelerating and institutionalizing the implementation of best practices for ALDFLG recovery and disposal by stimulating cooperation between port authorities, local authorities, fishermen and citizens.

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