Launch of the Italian BlueMissionMed HUB

Some images from the Launching event of the Italian BlueMissionMed HUB
BlueMissionMed CSA, in collaboration with the Ecomondo Scientifical Technical Committee, the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Ecorys, BlueMed GSOs and BusinessMed, is organising two workshops to present the Mission Ocean and Waters, the Charter, and Inspirational Case studies, in addition to an Inspire and Inform(al) Networking session and pilot test with BCD (BusinessMed). The events will be held during the International Exhibition Ecomondo on November 7, 2023, in Rimini.
The morning workshop “Sustainable technologies for Marine litter removal and recycling: the experience of the H2020 MAELSTROM project in dialog with other experiences” will illustrate the experience of the successful implementation of sustainable technologies for the removal and recycling of marine litter from coastal environments, describing the activities done, highlighting the issues faced so far and the strategies put in place to overcome them. The afternoon workshop “The EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030: The Mediterranean Stakeholder community of actors” will engage, mobilise and facilitate the commitment of the Mediterranean actors to synergize the actions of the Mission in the reduction of pollution in the Mediterranean hydrosphere by involving clusters and business accelerators. The Italian HUB of the BlueMissionMed CSA will also showcase national actions that promote joint solutions with industries at the local level in line with the objectives of the Mission. The European Commission will present the Mission to national stakeholders describing the opportunities in the Mediterranean Lighthouse.
During the whole day, a networking session will be held during which national stakeholders will be able to meet, learn more about the Mission Ocean and Waters, the BlueMissionMed CSA, and the Italian National HUB. The session will be supported through the Business Country Desk (BCD) Platform (BusinessMed). Moreover, during the networking session, the engagement tool conceived and developed by CNR will be used and assessed for the first time.
BlueMissionMed CSA, in collaborazione con il Comitato Tecnico Scientifico di Ecomondo, il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Ecorys, BlueMed GSOs e BusinessMed, sta organizzando due workshop per presentare la Mission Ocean and Waters, il Charter, e Inspirational Case studies, oltre a una sessione “Inspire and Inform(al)” di networking con il test pilota della BCD (BusinessMed). Gli eventi si terranno durante la Fiera Internazionale Ecomondo il 7 novembre 2023 a Rimini.
Il workshop del mattino “Sustainable technologies for Marine litter removal and recycling: the experience of the H2020 MAELSTROM project in dialog with other experiences” illustrerà esperienze di successo nell’implementazione di tecnologie sostenibili per la rimozione e il riciclo di rifiuti marini provenienti dagli ambienti costieri, descrivendo le attività svolte ed evidenziando le problematiche affrontate finora e le strategie messe in atto per superarle. Il workshop del pomeriggio “The EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030: The Mediterranean Stakeholder community of actors” mira a coinvolgere, mobilitare e agevolare l’impegno degli attori del Mediterraneo per sinergizzare le azioni della Missione nella riduzione dell’inquinamento nel Mediterraneo coinvolgendo Clusters e acceleratori d’impresa. L’HUB italiano di BlueMissionMed presenterà inoltre azioni nazionali che promuovono soluzioni congiunte con le industrie a livello locale in linea con gli obiettivi della Mission. La Commissione Europea presenterà la Mission agli stakeholder nazionali descrivendo le opportunità nel Mediterranean Lighthouse.
Durante tutto l’arco della giornata si terrà una sessione di networking durante la quale gli stakeholder nazionali potranno incontrarsi e conoscere più cose riguardo alla Mission Ocean and Waters, riguardo al Progetto BlueMissionMed, e all’HUB nazionale italiano. La sessione sarà supportata dalla Business Country Desk (BCD) Platform (BusinessMed) e, per la prima volta, verrà utilizzato e valutato lo strumento di engagement ideato e sviluppato dal CNR.