Italian BlueMissionMed National HUB In Action!
Mobilising Italian stakeholders towards the implementation of transformative innovative solutions for the EU Mission Ocean and Waters within the Mediterranean basin
30 May 2024 from 10.00 to 17.00 CEST, Venice (hybrid)
Click here to register
Agenda available here
The 4th International Workshop on Marine Litter Monitoring, Removal and Circular Economy will take place on May 30, 2024, at the CNR-ISMAR headquarters in Venice and online.
The event, co-organized by BlueMissionMed CSA and the H2020 MAELSTROM projects, will showcase and demonstrate selected transformative innovative solutions to face marine litter and microplastics pollution.
The workshop will focus on demonstration of solutions for marine litter monitoring, removal, circular economy & integrated solutions. The meeting will start at 10.00 CEST with 10 presentations of different experts and will continue during the afternoon, until 17.00, with a mutual learning session.
Take a look at the agenda for further details!
National Stakeholders from the Italian BlueMissionMed HUB and European and International key actors will be engaged in a multistakeholder mobilisation, and they will share their feedback and input to facilitate the further solutions’ adoption and implementation with the aim of achieving the EU Mission objectives.
Due to the limited capacity available, we kindly ask participants to register here to confirm if they will attend the event in person or online.
The event is partner of the European Green Week and is organized within the Venice International Boat Show 2024.