

plastic pollution reduction

Solution Scope: Initiatives for the Private Sector (Certification Programme)
Target Contaminant: Plastics
Solution Provider or Contact Point: Plastics Industry Association (USA) – Plastics Europe & Association of European Plastics Converters
Project: OSC – Operation Clean Sweep, (INT) and (EU)
ITS Description:
Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) is an industry-led and voluntary free program designed to prevent the loss of plastic pellets, flakes, and powders during handling by companies in the plastics value chain and their release into the environment. The ITS consists of several key elements constituting the programme:
- OSC Pledge for Best Practices: companies adhering to the pledge of the programme commit to implementing best practices and systems to prevent pellet loss, ensure worker safety, and protect the environment. These include improvements in setup of worksite to prevent spills; creating and publishing new internal procedures for zero loss; provide employee training and accountability for spill prevention, containment, clean-up and disposal; deployment of auditing on performance; compliance with applicable regulations and dissemination of the programme to industry partners .
- OCS Tools and Resources: To assist companies in implementing OCS, several training and dissemination tools are available in different languages, such as the OCS manual and checklists. They provide guidance on effective pellet containment measures and are available in multiple European languages.
- OCS Europe Certification Scheme: In February 2023, Plastics Europe and EuPC launched the first ever European pellet loss prevention certification scheme, which allows companies to assess and quantify their implementation of the OCS pledge through external audits. The scheme sets common minimum requirements based on the six pillars of the OCS pledge and is applicable to any pellet handling facility across Europe
- OCS Public Register & Transparency: Companies that have committed to the OCS program and are implementing best practices to prevent pellet loss in Europe are listed on an online public register. OCS also publishes annual reports on its progress, and companies can decide to publish their own reports on their OCS activities through pledge commitment, thus providing transparency and accountability within the industry.
Through comprehensive program development, OCS aims to create a culture of accountability and transparency within the European plastics industry, enhancing sustainability and the circular economy. At present date, ca. 3182 companies have joined the programme.
Correspondence with BMM OIR (sectoral priorities, R&I activities, gaps, needs): The ITS addresses innovative fields of activity concerning the development of industry programmes to promote sustainable practices for reducing plastic waste. It is highly aligned with the social and policy challenges of the BMM OIR for the Plastics Industries Sector. At policy level, the ITS supports circularity by stimulating code of conducts and willing regulations for monitoring plastics loss, alongside providing certification of validation for the performed practices. At social level, the solution overcomes delays in the adoption of sustainable solutions in the sector by stimulating awareness in producers and their employees’ training on monitoring plastics losses.