Circular approach in fishing gear making and discarded net management in ports (SEARCULAR)



Plastic pollution reduction

Elimination and Remediation

Solution Scope: Development of bio-based and/or biodegradable material (Fishing Gear)

Target Contaminant: Plastics & micro-plastics (ALDFG)

Demo site: ?

Solution Provider or Contact Point: AZTI (Project Coordinator) 

Project: SEARCULAR – Preventing Ocean Pollution & Empowering Communities with Innovative Circular Solutions

ITS Description: The ITS seeks to provide an integrated solution for reducing the amount of marine litter and microplastic from the most relevant European fishery contributors (i.e. demersal trawlers, demersal seiners, tropical tuna purse seiners). It includes the development of 3 different technological prototypes for ropes and fishing nets, as well as a port-based solution model for recovery and recycling of equipment.  The three technological innovations include: 1. Circular dolly ropes manufactured with recycled polyamide as an alternative material to traditional dolly ropes; 2. Circular demersal seine ropes that are made of biodegradable material with higher (3x) resistance to abrasion than conventional ropes; and 3. A new model of biodegradable dFAD (JellyFADs) to minimize the impacts from ALD tuna purse seine dFAD on ecosystems. The ambition of the integrated pack of solutions is to bring all these to a high Technological Readiness Level (TRL, 7-9) and help the fishing industry dedicated to most relevant productive sectors to reduce their contribution to marine litter and microplastics, plus fostering a circular approach in fishing gear making and discarded net management in ports. However, the project is meant to be concluded by 2026, and prototypes are still in-the-making. This solution is an evolution with a tech focus of ITS N. 27, focused on establishing a complete Collect, Recycle and Upcycle system for marine litter & ALDFG (BLUENET).

Correspondence with BMM OIR (sectoral priorities, R&I activities, gaps, needs): The comprehensive set of solutions responds to a R&I focus areas of activities in developing alternative materials (prevention of plastics) and Elimination & Remediation (via new collection schemes in ports). It mainly provides a solution to the technological Challenge of the BMM OIR for the Fisheries sector. This involves tackling plastics & microplastics contamination and impacts from fishing gear, namely through the development of new biodegradable materials.

Source of pictures: AZTI dissemination materials

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